Galaxy Docker Image

Docker Images tracking the stable Galaxy releases

Table of content

View the Project on GitHub bgruening/docker-galaxy


You can clone this repository with:

git clone

This repository uses various Ansible roles as specified in requirements.yml to manage configurations and dependencies. You can install these roles with the following command:

cd galaxy/ansible/ && ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p roles

If you simply want to change the Galaxy repository and/or the Galaxy branch, from which the container is build you can do this with Docker --build-arg during the docker build step. For example you can use these parameters during container build:

 --build-arg GALAXY_RELEASE=install_workflow_and_tools
 --build-arg GALAXY_REPO=

To keep docker images lean and optimize storage, we recommend using Dive . It provides an interactive UI that lets you explore each layer of the image, helping you quickly identify files and directories that take up significant space. To install Dive, follow the installation instructions provided in the Dive GitHub repository . After building your docker image, use Dive to analyze it:

dive <your-docker-image-name>