Galaxy Docker Image

Docker Images tracking the stable Galaxy releases

Table of content

View the Project on GitHub bgruening/docker-galaxy

Global description

The Galaxy Docker Image is an easy distributable full-fledged Galaxy installation, that can be used for testing, teaching and presenting new tools and features.

One of the main goals is to make access to entire tool suites as easy as possible. Usually, this includes the setup of a public available web-service that needs to be maintained, or that the Tool-user needs to either setup a Galaxy Server by its own or to have Admin access to a local Galaxy server. With docker, tool developers can create their own Image with all dependencies and the user only needs to run it within docker.

The Image is based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and all recommended Galaxy requirements are installed. The following chart should illustrate the Docker image hierarchy we have build to make is as easy as possible to build on different layers of our stack and create many exciting Galaxy flavors.

Docker hierarchy